Human activities involve intensive use of limited resources found in air, water and soil. Many of these activities produce waste products that build up in the environment to produce pollution with increasingly local and global effects. An understanding of this impact is essential within and beyond the study of chemistry. This option has many opportunities for discussing aim and issues and the international dimension. - IBO 2007 Taken from Chemistry, 3rd ed., John Green and Sadru Damji
Sunday, November 1, 2009
E11 Acid deposition (HL)
Two primary pollutants that cause acid deposition are sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. They are converted into acids by a free radical mechanism involving hydroxyl free radicals, formed either by the reaction of water vapour with ozone or by the reaction of water vapour with oxygen free radicals formed when ozone decomposes.
H2O(g) + O3 (g) --> 2HO∙(g) + O2(g)
H2O(g) + O∙(g) --> 2HO∙(g)
Reacts with sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxides in the presence of water to give the dissolved acids.
HO∙(g) + NO2(g) --> HNO3(aq)
HO∙(g) + NO(g) --> HNO2(aq)
HO∙(g) + SO2(g) --> HOSO2∙(g)
then HOSO2∙(g) + O2(g) --> HO2∙(g) + SO3(g)
followed by SO3(g) +H2O(l) --> H2SO4(aq)
E. 11.2 Explain the role of ammonia in acid deposition.
The atmosphere contains trace amounts of ammonia and also in the soil from the action of rhizobia (bacteria) in the root nodules of leguminous plants. The ammonia in the atmosphere neutralises partially the acids to form ammonium sulphate, which is a slightly acidic as it is a product of a weak base and strong acids. As they are washed out by precipitation or sink to the ground the ammonium ion is deposited and enters the soil where acidification and nitrification an occur.
NH4+(aq) + 2O2(g) --> 2H+(aq) + NO3-(aq) + H2O(l)
E10 Smog
‘Pea smog’ (classically English) occurred before the introduction of clean air controls in the mid 1950s, whereby the combustion of coal and oil produced sulphur dioxide mixed with soot, fly ash and partially oxidising organic material (reducing smog). Photochemical smog is the more common smog now (e.g. Los Angeles) that is converted into secondary pollutants in sunlight, consisting of oxides of nitrogen and VOCs (brown/yellow colour).
E.10.2 Outline the formation of secondary pollutants in photochemical smog.
O·(g) + H2O (l) --> 2OH·(g) [hydroxyl radical]
OH·(g) + NO2(g) --> HNO3(aq) [nitric acid]
OH·(g) + RH(g) --> R·(g) + H2O [radical]
R·(g) + O2 --> ROO· [peroxide radical]
E9 Ozone depletion (HL)
CI•(g) + O3(g) --> ClO•(g) + O2(g)
CI O•(g) + O•(g) --> O2(g) + Cl•(g)
O•(g)+ O3(g) --> 2O2 (g)
NO(g) + O3(g) -->NO2 (g)+ O2(g)
E8 Waste
Landfills: efficient method to deal with large volumes, filled land can be used for other purposes. However local residents may object to new sites, filled land needs time to settle and requires maintenance as methane is released.
Open dumping: Convenient and inexpensive. However causes air, ground and water pollution; health hazard and attracts pests, and unsightly.
Ocean dumping: Source of nutrients, convenient and inexpensive. However dangerous to marine animals, pollutes the sea.
Incineration:Reduce volume, requires minimal space, produces stable odourless residue, can be source of energy. However expensive to build/operate, cause pollutants if inefficiently burned, requires energy.
Recycling: provides a sustainable environment. However expensive, difficult to separate different materials (sometimes impossible).
E.8.2 Describe the recycling of metal, glass, plastic and paper products, and outline its benefits.
Glass: Sorted by colour, washed, crushed and then melted and moulded into new products. Not degraded during the recycling process so can be recycled many times.
Plastic: Sorted (though this may be problematic), degraded to monomers by pyrolysis, hydrogenation, gasification and thermal cracking, then repolymerised. Recycling causes less pollutants and uses less energy than producing new plastics from crude oil.
Paper: Sorted into grades, washed to remove inks, made into a slurry to form new types of paper. High transportation costs- may be more efficient to compost.
E.8.3 Describe the characteristics and sources of different types of radioactive waste.
Two types of radioactive waste: High level waste and low level waste.
Low level waste is where activity is low and the half-lives of the radioactive isotopes are generally short lived. Such items include rubber gloves, paper towels and protective clothing that have been used to handle radioactive materials.
High level waste is where activity is high and the half-lives of the radioactive isotopes are generally long and so the waste remains active for a long period. Most high level waste comes from spent fuel rods or the reprocessing of spent nuclear rods.
E.8.4 Compare the storage and disposal methods for different types of radioactive waste.
Low level waste:
-is sometimes discharged straight into the sea, but this is now banned by many governments and so the following methods are used:
-produces heat during decay and so is stored in 'ponds' of cooled water where it loses much of its activity. Before discharge, it is filtered through an ion exchange resin which removes stronium and caesium (elements responsible for radioactivity).
-Storage of waste in steel containers inside concrete-lined vaults.
High level waste:
-96% uranium is recovered during reprocessing for reuse.
- 1% is plutonium (valuable fuel)
E7 Soil
E.7.1 Discuss salinization, nutrient depletion and soil pollution as causes of soil degradation.
Salinization: Constant or excess irrigation using water that contains salts, which upon evaporation, remain in the soil and accumulate in the fertile topsoil. These salts can either build up to toxic levels in the plant or dehydrate plants by preventing the uptake of water, both ways resulting in the death of crops.
Nutrient depletion: Intensive farming, without proper management practises results in nutrients being depleted without replacement. Plants require minerals and nutrients for healthy growth and by harvesting these plants, the normal cycling of nutrients through the soil food web is unable to occur. As a result, there is a amelioration of nutrient depletion. Soil should be left to fallow for some periods and organic material like manure and compost should be added to maintain the levels of nutrients.
Soil pollution: Caused by a variety of factors- industrial discharge and improper dumping of toxic waste material ( long term soil pollution), organic soil pollution from the transport and illegal dumping of spent engine oil (short term effect), use of pesticides and fertilizers disrupt the food chain and reduces soil's biodiversity, pollutants can run into surface waters and move through the soil through throughflow and percolation, polluting groundwater.
E. 7.2 Describe the relevance of the soil organic matter (SOM) in preventing soil degradation, and outline its physical and biological functions.
Soil requires not only minerals to allow healthy plant growth, but also organic matter (e.g. in compost). SOM represents the organic constituents of the soil including undecayed plant and animal tissues, their partial decomposition products (i.e. polysaccharides, proteins, sugers, amino acids) and the soil biomass. Humus is a complex mixture of simple and more complex organic chemicals of plant, animal or microbial origin.
SOM can be used in three main ways:
BIOLOGICAL: Humus provides a source of energy and essential nutrient elements (N, P, S); contributes to resilience of soil/plant system.
PHYSICAL: Humus is involved in structural stability and water-retention and thermal properties. It helps soil to retain moisture and therefore increases capacity to withstand drought, and encourages formation of good soil structure. Its dark colour causes it to absorb more heat and this hence helps warm the soil in colder seasons.
CHEMICAL: Cation exchange capacity helps it act like clay. Contains active sites that bind to nutrient cations to prevent them from being washed away and making them more available to plants. Toxic cations also bind to humus and this stops them from entering the wider ecosystem. Humus acts as an acid-base buffer and enhances the ability of the soil to maintain a constant pH.
E.7.3 List common organic soil pollutants and their sources.
1) Hydrocarbons, VOCs, SVOC (semi-volatile organic compounds): from transport, solvents and industrial processes.
2) Agrichemicals: pesticides, herbicides, fungicides
3) Polyaromatic hydrocarbons: incomplete combustion of coal, oil, gas, wood and garbage.
4) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): coolant and insulater in electrical equipment (e.g. transformers, generators)
5) Organotin compounds: Bactericides and fungicides used in paper, wood, textile and anti-fouling paints.
E6 Water treatment
Primary treatment: Removes 60% of solid material and 1/3 of oxygen demanding wastes. Coarse mechanical filters are used to remove large objects and then a sedimentation tank allows for suspended solids to settle out as sludge. Calcium hydroxide and aluminium sulphate are added to form aluminium hydroxide, which precipitates together with suspended dirt particles in flocculation. Grease is removed by skimming, and the effluent is discharged into a waterway or for secondary treatment.
Secondary treatment: removes 90% of oxygen-demanding wastes, where waste are aerobically degraded using oxygen and bacteria. Two methods- a) waste water is left to trickle through a bed of stones with bacteria; b) sewage is aerated with pure oxygen in a sedimentation tank. Sludge contains active microorganisms that digest organic waste (activated sludge) and some of it is recycled. Water is discharged into a water way where chlorine is added for disinfection or ozone.
Tertiary treatment: expensive; removes heavy metal ions, nitrates, phosphates and residual organic compounds.
- Precipitation- Aluminium sulphate and calcium oxide can be used to precipitate phosphates. Heavy metal ions can be precipitated as insoluble hydroxides/basic salts by the addition of calcium hydroxide or sodium carbonate, or insoluble sulphides by the bubbling of hydrogen sulphide. However some metal hydroxides redissolve as the complexes are soluble (Zn, Hg, Cd).
- Activated carbon bed- carbon is activated by heating periodically to high temperatures and this removes dissolved organic material by oxidising the adsorbed organic compounds to carbon dioxide and water and regenerates the carbon surface.
- Removal of nitrates- ion exchange zeolites can be used to exchange hydroxide ions for nitrates but this is very expensive. The other method would be to use denitrifying bacteria to reduce them to nitrogen or to pass the water through algae pools as algae utilize nitrates as nutrients.
E5 Dissolved oxygen in water
E.5.2 Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of organic material in water.
Aerobic decomposition
-Oxidation process where complex organic matter is broken down into simple organic material, carbon dioxides and water. Simple organic material can be further converted to nitrates, sulphates, and phosphates.
-Typical products include ammonia and amines from nitrogen and hydrogen (strong fishy smell), methane/biogas/marsh gas from carbon and hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide (rotten egg smell) from organic sulphur, and phosphine (PH3) phosphorus.
-Oxygen is not used up.
Plant nutrients are often soluble and leach into water bodies. This leads to excessive growth of aquatic plant life, often in the form of algal blooms.
-water smells and tastes bad, becomes lifeless.
-red tides: marine plankton produce chemical toxins.
-Dead plants are decomposed anaerobically, depleting oxygen
-Fish die from asphyxiation (lack of oxygen)
-Anaerobic processes produce toxic substances like phosphine and hydrogen sulfide.
E.5.4 Discuss the source and effects of thermal pollution of water.
Thermal pollution occurs when water that is heated in power plants/industrial processes is dumped into streams, rivers or lakes. Two major effects would be on dissolved oxygen and the metabolic rates of aquatic life.
Concentration of oxygen decreases as temperature increases. Furthermore, warm water is less dense than cool water and stays near the top. This water is unable to absorb as much oxygen from the atmosphere; at 0°C, DO is 15ppm, at 20°C, DO is 9ppm, and at 40°C, DO is 6.5. This is for pure water (polluted water will have even lower DO contents).
Increased temperatures increase the rate of biochemical processes, and hence the metabolic rates of aquatic animals increase and, in so doing, require more oxygen. The rate of consumption of oxygen increases.
E4 Ozone Depletion
Ozone is a naturally occuring component of the stratosphere 15 to 45 km above the Earth's surface. It is a powerful oxidising agent and pale blueish gas with an acrid odour. Ozone can have harmful effects on living matter but is also essential to life and health (ozone layer).
Ozone is formed from the photo-dissociation of molecular oxygen by uv light. Free radicals are formed from the splitting of oxgyen molecules into oxygen atoms by high energy, short wavelength UV light from the sun. These oxygen atoms then react with other oxygen molecules to form ozone.
The resonance structure of ozone is as follows:
It suggests that the two bonding electrons from the pi bonds are spread over the entire structure of the molecule with a bond order of 1.5 (weaker bond than oxygen). As a result, less energy (i.e. longer wavelength light) is required to break the bonds in ozone than in oxygen.
The depletion of ozone hence occurs when the reverse reaction occurs and ozone absorbs longer wavelength UV light to form an oxygen molecule and an oxygen free radical. An oxygen free radical reacts with ozone to form two molecules of oxygen gas.
Ozone is hence constantly being formed and broken down, and acts as a shield by absorbing 93-99% of the sun's harmfulUV light of longer wavelength than that absorbed by oxygen and nitrogen.
E.4.2 List the ozone-depleting pollutants, and their sources.
Depletion of the ozone layer has been observed from satellite data. There are holes in the ozone layer over the north and south poles, although this is partially seasonal (e.g. with lowest levels in the antarctic spring).
Ozone is depleted by chlorofluorocarbons. CFCs are chemically inert when released but become chemically reactive chlorine atoms when they reach the unfiltered UV rays of the sun in the stratosphere.
The bond enthalphy for C-F is higher than that of the C-Cl bond, and as a result a chlorine free radical is formed, that reacts readily with ozone to produce oxygen.
CCl2F2 + uv light --> ∙Cl +CClF2
∙Cl + O3 --> ClO∙ + O2
Nitric oxide (from aircraft exhausts) react with ozone to form nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.
The depletion of ozone means that more harmful UV rays reach the Earth, increasing skin cancer, eye cataracts, genetic mutations, sunburn, damage to animals and plant (suppression of plant growth) and causing changes in the world's climate.
E.4.3 Discuss the alternatives to CFCs in terms of their properties.
Properties of CFCs that make it popularly used in aerosols and as solvents would be their lack of reactivity, low toxicity and low flammability. Alternatives to CFCs should have no C-Cl bonds and show little absorption of infrared radiation so as to to behave like a greenhouse gas.
1. Hydrocarbons are used as refrigerator coolants and do not cause ozone depletion, but are flammable and are greenhouse gases.
2. Hydrochloroflurocarbons decompose less easily because of the presence of hydrogen as the bond enthalpy for the C-H bond is higher than that of the C-Cl bond. However, ozone is still depleted because of the presence of a C-Cl bond.
3. Fluorocarbons have low reactivity, are neither toxic nor flammable and are stable to UV radiation because of the strong C-F bond. However, these are greenhouse gases.
4. Hydrofluorocarbons are also ideal as they do not contain chlorine atoms and have low reactivity, low toxicity and low flammability but contribute to global warming.
For more on ozone depletion, click here.
E3 Greenhouse Effect
E.3.2 List the main greenhouse gases and their sources, and discuss their relative effects.
Water vapour: main source is the evaporation of water bodies and the combustion of hydrocarbons. Occupy 0-4% of the atmostphere, and
E.3.3 Discuss the influence of increasing amounts of greenhouse gases on the atmosphere.
Over the last century worldwide:
1. Increase in temperatures by 0.5ºC
2. 1% increase in precipitation
3. 15-20cm rise in sea levels from glacial meltdown and expansion of ocean water by warmer temperatures.
--> Particularly in the Arctic, global warming from rising levels of carbon dioxide is particularly irreversible because of how the melting of permafrost results in further decomposition of the previously frozen matter, causing a continual increase in carbon dioxide and methane levels.
Scientific models are also being exceeded- the prediction of scientific models are taking place 30 years sooner than expected.IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON HEALTH, AGRICULTURE, FORESTS, WATER RESOURCES, COASTAL AREAS, SPECIES DIVERSITY, SPECIES NUMBERS AND NATURAL AREAS:
Life cycles of pathogens and insects affected (e.g. Mosquitoes). Water-borne diseases may become more prevalent.
Crop yield and crop distribution will be affected. Flooding of land from sea water may result in salination of the water table and affect crops requiring fresh water.
Insects and diseases may increase, summer droughts may produce forest fires, higher temperatures and higher increased precipitation may cause increase in vegetation growth, but plants requiring little rainfall may become extinct.
-Water Resources
Decreased water quality due to flooding, more resources needed to turn water into potable sources. Both floods and droughts are more likely, from increased precipitation and increased rates of evaporation.
-Coastal Areas
Eroding of beaches, flooding of low lands and coastal flooding, and resulting loss of such ecosystems.
-Species and Natural Areas
Loss of cold water fish habitat, shift in ecological areas (organisms in temperate regions may migrate upwards to previous uninhabitable regions). Desertification. Loss of habitats and species.
E2 Acid Deposition
Acid deposition refers to acidic particles and gases that deposit or fall to the Earth.
· Irritates whole respiratory tract and the eyes.
· Sulphate particles penetrate the lungs where they become embedded, adverse effects on asthmatics, the elderly and the young. (Sulphate aerosols are powerful irritants)
· Increased concentrations of aluminum ions in water due to acidic conditions may lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
· Eutrophication from nitrates in acid deposition.
· Aluminum ions from leaching of soil by acid rain affect the function of the gills.
· Acidification of water bodies may result in the death of some species of fish.
· Corrosion of basic materials (e.g. marble, limestone, dolomite).
· Insoluble carbonates are converted to more soluble sulphates that then dissolve- destroys structural and artists’ stone (stone leprosy).
· Corrosion of iron and steel promoted by acid rain, worsened by high humidity, high temperatures, presence of particulates.
· Leaching of toxic heavy metals (e.g. Lead, Cadmium, Mercury) into the water system.
· Bleaching and weakening of fabrics and leather.
· Dicolouration and embrittlement of paper.
· Deterioration of electrical appliances.
· Acute injury from short term exposure to high acid concentrations consists of dead areas of leaves which dry out and usually become bleached.
· Chronic injury from long term exposure to low acid concentrations consists of bleached spots, yellowing of leaves, suppression of plant growth and reduction in yield (acid rain disrupts chlorophyll synthesis).
· Leaching and removal of important nutrients such as magnesium ions from the soil.
· Mist can causes great loss of visibility and affect air flights.
-pre-combustion methods or post-combustion methods can be used to prevent the formation of acidic particles/gases.
-Promotion of alternative energy sources and conserving energy would decrease combustion of fossil fuels.
-Adding calcium carbonate or calcium hydroxide to soil and lakes neutralizes acidity.
E1 Air pollution
-natural source: incomplete oxidation of methane
-man-made source: incomplete combustion of fossil fuels
-effect on health: prevents haemoglobin from carrying oxygen by binding irreversibly to form carboxyhaemoglobin.
-natural source: electrical storms and biological processes
-man-made source: at high temp.s inside internal combustion engines.
-effect on health: respiratory irritant that results in infections
-methods of reduction: use of lean burn engine, recirculation of exhaust gases or catalytic converter.
SULPHUR DIOXIDE [can be oxidised to form sulphur trioxide]:
-natural source: oxidation of H2S produced by volcanoes and decay of organic matter
-man-made source: combustion of sulphur-containing coal and smelting of sulphide ores
-effect on health: respiratory irritant that results in infections
-methods of reduction: removal of sulphur from fossil fuels before combustion, alkaline scrubbing, fluidised bed converter.
-natural source: soot, ash, dust, asbestos, sand, smoke, pollen, bacterial and fungal spores
-man-made source: burning of fossil fuels (esp. coal and diesel)
-affects respiratory system, causing lung diseases (e.g. emphysema, bronchitis, cancer)
-methods of reduction: sedimentation chambers, electrostatic precipitation.
VOCs (CxHy or R-H):
-natural source: plants (like rice; emit unsaturated hydrocarbons called terpenes)
-man-made source: unburned or partially burned gasoline and other fuels, solvents.
-effect on health: carcinogens (e.g. benzene), can form toxic secondary pollutants (e.g. PANs)
-methods of reduction: catalytic converter
E.1.2 Evaluate current methods for the reduction of air pollution.
1) Thermal exhaust reactor: Exhaust from car engine is combined with more air and reacts (at high temperature from the heat of the exhaust gas). CO becomes CO2 and unburned hydrocarbons are combusted.
2) Lean burn engines: Carburettor is adjusted altering ratio of air:fuel. Higher ratios results in less CO emitted (more complete combustion). However, this results in higher temperatures that increase the formation of oxides of nitrogen. Conversely, lower ratios cause less oxides of nitrogen to form but more carbon monoxide.
3) Catalytic converter:Hot exhaust gases are passed over catalysts (i.e. platinum/palladium/phodium) that complete combust CO and unburned VOCs, as well as catalysing the reaction between nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide to give carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas.
2CO + 2NO --> 2CO2 + N2
4) Removal of sulphur from fossil fuels (e.g. metal sulphides in coal) [pre-combustion]
i) Coal gasification removes most of the sulphur in high sulphur coal when converting it to synthetic natural gas (SNG). Any sulphur is converted to H2S (acidic and easily removed). However, this process requires a lot of energy.
ii) use low sulphur, cleaner burning coal (e.g. anthracite) with high heat content. However, such coal is scarcer and more expensive.
iii) remove sulphur in petroleum refining and natural gas processing with a catalyst to hydrogen sulphide.
iv) coal washing: sulphur removed from coal by crushing the coal and mixing it with water, so that the denser sulphides sink and the cleaned coal can be skimmed from the surface. However, a lot of sulphur is trapped below the surface of the particles and organic sulphur (chemically bonded) cannot be physically removed.
5) Alkaline scrubbing [post-combustion]: alkaline slurry of limestone and lime (large amounts required, and heating to convert limestone to lime requires large amounts of energy which is expensive) [or magnesium hydroxide] are used to remove sulphur dioxide from the exhausts of coal-burning plants, with the resulting sludge used to for landfills, or gypsum [CaSO4.2H2O] for plasterboards. A wet alkaline scrubber uses liquid (usually water-based) to remove contaminants by sprayin ghte alkaline liquid in downwards as the gas streams upwards).
CaCO3(s) + SO2(g) --> CaSO3(s) + CO2(g) (note CO2 is a greenhouse gas)
CaO(s) + SO2(g) --> CaSO3(s)
2CaSO3(s) + O2(g) + 4H2O(g) --> 2CaSO4.2H2O(s)
6)Fluidized bed combustion [post-combustion]: burning of coal on a bed of limestone removes sulphur as calcium sulphite or sulphate as the coal burns.
7) Electrostatic precipitation: Soild or liquid particles are suspended in the air, with larger particles allowed to settle in sedimentation chambers (gravity) while an electrostatic precipitation chamber can be used for smaller particles. Charged particles are attracted to oppositely charged electrodes which are shaken periodically to remove aggregated particulates from the bottom of the precipitator.
Environmental Chemistry (Option E)
* Information taken from Chemistry 3rd Edition, by John Green and Sadru Damji.
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- yellowbluesthat
- I occasionally wonder if the world's going mad... but then I look in the mirror and I figure, maybe its just me.